Thriving Versus Surviving

How did he do it?  How did Joseph literally thrive, versus merely surviving, in the life-altering situations he had not ‘signed up’ to be in?  What was his secret?               He was sold into slavery by his own brothers and he was wrongfully accused by his owner’s lying wife, which landed him in prison.  How … Continue reading Thriving Versus Surviving

Ark before the Manger

Long before the sun crests over the hills, I awoke. As the rest of the house was slumbering in silence, I lit the Christmas tree. Tidbits of Christmas décor deck the halls, and the mantle is full with the familiar festivities of winter traditions. We rush to get them up, and then somehow, struggle to … Continue reading Ark before the Manger


Emotions give the impression to just appear with a like-minded mood. Actions can be thought through. Moments contemplated. Alternatives evaluated. However, we cannot always control our thoughts; thoughts just happen. The objective of Scripture is to awaken within us new thoughts that shape the trajectory of our heart. In the pages of the Bible, a … Continue reading Thoughts